MOVE IT - Youth mobility in the digital era (online event)
#MOVEIT2020 #digitalyouthmobility
Digital and smart youth work in general have been widely debated and conceptualised over the last years, long before COVID-19 catapulted the topic into the spotlight. This online event focussed specifically on international youth mobility which had not been at the centre of relevant debates. From keynote speech to Online BarCamp and from Digital Youth Mobility Lab sessions to live Q&A, MOVE IT - Youth mobility in the digital era (online event) was designed to inspire participants, update them on the latest trends and give them a platform for exchange of ideas. It also wanted to shape the future of digital youth mobility! Some of the main questions were: How are digital tools used to support international youth mobility? Do digital and technological solutions hold the potential to further develop youth mobility, inclusion and participation? How do shakers and makers deal with “digital“ and where do they see hindrances and opportunities?
MOVE IT documentation (overview)
- Programme feat. speaker bios and visual summaries of each session
- Case study
- Reading list on digital youth work and digital youth mobility (updated)
- Visual recordings (session summaries) by Agnė Rapalaitė ( for easy sharing on Facebook
- Articles
- MOVE IT event report - English version (> German language version / deutschsprachige Fassung)
- Interviews with MOVE IT Online BarCamp session organiser - English version (> German language version / deutschsprachige Fassung)
Michele di Paola, Elena Soroliou, Nerijus Kriaučiūnas, Rea Fraser, Salvi Greco and Johannes Bergunder - Interview with MOVE IT organisers / experts
Ülly Enn, Suvi Tuominen, Daniel Poli, Manfred von Hebel
- MOVE IT Playlist (YouTube) > For GDPR reasons this playlist feat. video recordings of the private sessions is restricted to registered participants and speakers only.
Documentation (day by day)
Some of the MOVE IT sessions were public and livestreamed, some were restricted access only for registered participants and all sessions were visually recorded.
- 26 May 2020: MOVE IT Opening
> Livestream video recording
> Visual recording - Click to access the full collection of MOVE IT graphic summaries. - 26 May 2020: MOVE IT Opening Keynote speech
Where do we stand in digital and smart youth work? – Bridging the gap to youth mobility!
Speaker and slides: Niels BRÜGGEN Ph.D., Head of Department, JFF Institut für Medienpädagogik (DE)
> Livestream video recording (starts at -1:02:24)
27 May 2020: MOVE IT Online BarCamp - > This session was not recorded in order to facilitate interaction among participants.
> Visual recording (11 graphic summaries) - 3 June 2020: MOVE IT Digital Youth Mobility Lab - Virtual exchanges and blended mobility in European youth mobility (Talk and Q&A)
Speakers: Jan LAI, Member, International Youth Work Trainers Guild (IT); Aurélien DURBEC, IKAB Institute for Applied Communication Research in Non-Formal Education (DE); Aurélie DURAND, Search for Common Ground (BE)
> Visual recording (4 graphic summaries)
> Speakers and registered participants received the link to the MOVE YouTube Playlist by email. GDPR does not allow for public dissemination by the organisers. - 5 June 2020: MOVE IT Digital Youth Mobility Lab - Virtual reality in European youth mobility (Talk and Q&A)
Speakers and slides: Felix GAEDTKE, Immersive Storyteller & Creative Producer, NowHere Media (DE), Andrew HADLEY & Paul OXBOROUGH, Momentum World (UK)
> Visual recording (3 graphic summaries)
> Speakers and registered participants received the link to the MOVE YouTube Playlist by email. GDPR does not allow for public dissemination by the organisers. - 9 June 2020: MOVE IT Digital Youth Mobility Lab - Social inclusion and digitalisation - Possibilities and challenges in the frame of
the European mobility programmes and European youth work (Talk and Q&A)
Speakers and slides: Adina Marina ȘERBAN, Ph.D., Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitară Durabilă / Center for Sustainable Community Development (RO); Dan MOXON, Director; People, Dialogue and Change (UK)
> Visual recording - 3 graphic summaries
> Speakers and registered participants received the link to the MOVE YouTube Playlist by email. GDPR does not allow for public dissemination by the organisers. - 15 June 2020: MOVE IT Digital Youth Mobility Lab: Trends and Inspiration
EU youth programmes and mobility in a digital era – Status quo and what could be
developed further? (Discussion and Q&A)
Speakers: Manfred VON HEBEL, Deputy Director, JUGEND für Europa, Germany National Agency
for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps (DE); Uroš SKRINAR, Director, Zavod MOVIT NA MLADINA (MOVIT), Slovenian National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps (SI); Guoda LOMANAITĖ, Head Jaunimo tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo agentūra (JTBA) / Agency of International Youth Cooperation, Lithuanian National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corp (LT), Reet KOST, Director of Archimedes Foundation Youth Agency, Estonian National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps, including the SALTO Resource Centre for Participation and Information (EE); Floor VAN HOUDT, Head of Unit Youth, Volunteer Solidarity and Traineeships Office, DG EAC, European Commission
> Visual recording (4 graphic summaries)
> Speakers and registered participants received the link to the MOVE YouTube Playlist by email. GDPR does not allow for public dissemination by the organisers. - 17 June 2020: MOVE IT How to further develop youth mobility in the digital era?
Open discussion feat. breakout room exchanges: Foreseeing the future of digital youth
mobility and youth work in 2030? Has the outlook changed due to the current situation?
Speakers and slides: Tomi KIILAKOSKI, Ph.D., senior researcher, Finnish Youth Research Society (FI), Suvi TUOMINEN, manager, Verke, Centre of Expertise for Digital Youth Work, Marta MĘDLIŃSKA, Coordinator, EU-CoE youth partnership (FR), Anne KIVIMÄE, Estonian Youth Work Centre / ENTK Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus (EE) + Tartu University Narva College Estonia (EE).
> Livestream video recording
> Visual recording 1 graphic summary)
Participation: discover, contribute, co-create!
- MOVE IT Open Feedback Box: Now closed and archived, this open co-creation space on Padlet allowed all participants (and beyond) everybody to have their say in addition to the interaction during the sessions. Some of the input was added to the MOVE IT Reading list (see above) which features interesting links to relevant publications, examples of good practice, tips and tricks, etc. The main questions were: What makes digital youth mobility so special?
- MOVE IT Facebook group
Contact the team
Katharina Erbes, JUGEND für Europa,
- JUGEND für Europa (DE)
National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps in Germany - IJAB International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (DE)
Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e. V. - Estonian Youth Work Centre | ENTK Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus (EE)
National competence centre for youth work and youth policy - Verke, Centre of Expertise for Digital Youth Work (FI) - Finnish National Agency for Education | Opetushallitus | Utbildningsstyrelsen (FI)
National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps in Finland
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch)
Wie werden digitale Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung der Jugendmobilität in Europa im Frühjahr 2020 eingesetzt? Welche Potentiale stecken in den digitalen und technologischen Entwicklungen, um Mobilität, Inklusion und Beteiligung von Jugendlichen weiterzuentwickeln? Wie gehen Fachkräfte der Jugendarbeit mit all dem um und wo sehen sie die größten Hindernisse und ungenutzten Potenziale? Welche Auswirkungen hat COVID-19?
Ursprünglich als dreitägige Konferenz geplant, wurde MOVE IT - Youth mobility in the digital era (online event) den Umständen angepasst und in ein Online Event mit insgesamt 7 Terminen umgewandelt. Auftakt, Online BarCamp, Live Q&A und Webinare boten zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, viele Fragen zu beantworten und relevante Debatten zu vertiefen.
Inhalte und Ziele
- Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Praxis
- Austausch über Beispiele guter Praxis
- Offene Diskussion über Entwicklungspotential, Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen im Bereich der Jugendmobilität im digitalen Zeitalter
- Austausch von Visionen
- Entwicklung gemeinsamer Ideen zur Ausrichtung der Jugendmobilität im digitalen Zeitalter auf lokaler, nationaler und europäischer Ebene
- Im Online BarCamp waren Teilnehmer/-innen dazu eingeladen, proaktiv und eigenverantwortlich Inhalte anzubieten.
- Jugendbetreuer/-innen (mit Erfahrung oder hohem Interesse) in der internationalen Jugendmobilität und/oder digitalen Jugendarbeit
- Entscheidungsträger/-innen und Akteure im Bereich der Jugendmobilität
- Expert/-innen und Forscher/-innen im Bereich der internationalen Jugendmobilität und der digitalen Jugendarbeit
Arbeitssprache Englisch.
Eine vollständige MOVE IT-Dokumentation in englischer Spracher finden Sie oben.
- MOVE IT-Veranstaltungsbericht (deutschsprachige Fassung)
- Interviews mit den Organisator/-innen einiger MOVE IT Online BarCamp-Sessions (deutschsprachige Fassung)
Michele di Paola, Elena Soroliou, Nerijus Kriaučiūnas, Rea Fraser, Salvi Greco und Johannes Bergunder